четвъртък, 24 май 2018 г.

Poland- Ella

I got the chance to travel to Poland for a exchange project and I had a very good time. We visited a lot of different places and saw many things.
I came along with my host and we got more close than in Sweden, especially when we were alone walking home or sitting in her kitchen drinking strawberry creme tea. Her family were so kind and took great care of me!
We did work almost everyday in school if you compare the visit in Sweden. I liked that we took  a few hours everyday because in Sweden you got very tired after working the whole day. But when they gave us 2 hours on an assignment that took less than one hour, you pretty much just sat there and did nothing.
Overall I had a great time and I made many new fiends that I miss truly! I also became friends with people from Sweden that I did not talk so much with before and that was really nice.

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